Inside Edge
Pitcher Timings Intern 2025
About Inside Edge
Inside Edge Scouting Services specializes in data capture and analytics down to the finest details of every Major League game. Major League clubs, media, and other clients subscribe to our real-time pitch-by-pitch data, custom-tailored reports, and advanced analytic tools to gain an edge on their competition. We provide a fun, fast-paced work environment and an opportunity to get started on a career in baseball and differentiate yourself from other job seekers. Past interns have gone on to positions with both Major League clubs and media organizations.
Position Title & Description
Pitcher Timings Intern: Part-time candidates filling this position will gain valuable experience with technologies and processes, increasing their qualifications to work in baseball and the broader sports industry. You will be expected to watch and break-down multiple aspects of a pitchers’ delivery using Inside Edge technology to provide valuable data to Major League clubs. This is a part-time position where a large team of interns will be tasked to work roughly 90 minute shifts (varies game by game) about 5 days per week. This is an ideal position for college students or candidates looking to dip their toe into the sports world.
Key areas of responsibility
- Participate in a training program before the 2025 season begins
- Use Inside Edge software to enter and crosscheck timings data
- Review video replay ensuring integrity of charted data
Remote work available in the following states: MN, MO, NC, NV, TX, VA, WI, OH
Wages and term of employment
March 20th (tentatively) through the end of the 2025 MLB season
Starting pay: minimum wage (rate varies depending on the state in which you reside)
No experience required. Strong baseball knowledge is preferred.
To apply
- Send an email with your interest to bobbygiller@gmail.com. Feel free to include supplemental information.
- We’ll contact you to set up an interview.